Questions & Answers

Allow site visitors to post questions and receive answers directly from your customer services team. Increase conversion rate by increasing the confidence of your prospective buyers.

Key Features

All questions are moderated by a TestFreaks professional to ensure validity. Content is indexed for SEO purposes. In the admin portal you can generate reports and manage everything related to questions and answers.

Flexible Answers

The standard setup means that only you as a brand or retailer can answer questions. However, you can open up for specified brands to get notified and answer questions. A third group that can be invited to answer questions are Expert Users.

Simple Set-up:

- Paste the Q&A code into your site - TestFreaks moderates the questions - Receive notification when questions are posted - Customer services answer questions promptly - Both Q&A appear on the relevant product page

Questions & Answers by the numbers

The Q&A module will deliver solid results. After adding Q&A to a product page you will see substaintial lift in traffic and sales. Typically Shoppers posting questions that are answered will have 10 times higher conversion than other shoppers.

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